
InboxChat is an advanced AI-based tool designed to revolutionize and streamline email management and workflow. The platform leverages artificial intelligence to sort, chat, and summarize your emails, transforming cluttered inboxes into organized, manageable spaces. It provides an array of features including drafting emails, summarizing long threads, and structuring information into tables. Additionally, its innovative technology can chat with emails and deliver a host of benefits. InboxChat includes powerful automation capabilities. These automations can categorize incoming emails, extract significant data for analysis, create required actions and tasks, and even prepare automated responses. This tool helps to save time and to focus on essential information by delivering concise, customizable summaries, extracting the main points of each message. Enabling instant access to the summarized timeline of interactions with each contact, InboxChat also provides the ability to auto-tag contacts into manageable groups. Besides, it supports the semantic search feature that comprehends the meaning, context, and intent behind your words to present the most relevant and accurate search results. InboxChat maintains privacy and security through its Google certification with CASA Tier 2 Security Certification.

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