
Patsnap is a patent and innovation database with a global reach. The tool is designed to provide users with a comprehensive, intuitive platform for conducting patent searches. This resource is developed to assist Intellectual Property (IP) and Research & Development (R&D) teams in their work, fostering collaboration and enabling the analysis of the competitive landscape. The user can quickly explore technical solutions and understand innovation opportunities, run a prior art search, review and generate IP submissions, and monitor competitors' technological progress using this tool. To facilitate IP protection, Patsnap deploys AI-powered search and analysis capabilities, simplifying the review of complex patents, file histories, and claim changes. The tool also facilitates IP portfolio optimization via collaborative workspaces using its custom fields. Moreover, Patsnap uses proprietary AI for automatic generation of keywords and decoding technical patent information, aiding users in understanding the technology inherent in a patent and discovering similar technologies, citations, images, etc. with their precise references. It also has an intuitive workspace to help speed up collaborations offering features such as comments, tagging, and automated notifications. Patsnap is used by a wide range of organizations, from startups to Fortune 500 companies, and prioritizes data confidentiality in its operations.

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