
NPI Number Lookup is an AI-powered tool used to search and validate National Provider Identifier (NPI) numbers of healthcare providers in the United States. It provides detailed profiles of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare entities, including their NPI number, address or contact details, group, specialization, taxonomy, and license details. The tool features an advanced search facility that allows users to use everyday language queries to find a provider's records, eliminating manual searches. The NPI lookup data is consistently synchronized with the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) NPI database, ensuring the latest information is available about any provider present in the country. The tool also responds to user questions about a healthcare provider's NPI profile in natural language. Additionally, the NPI Lookup tool can be used to find your own NPI number if you are a healthcare provider yourself.
  • This Tool is verified
  • Added on August 30, 2024
  • Schema

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